

Secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee: Jiangsu will take the lead in achieving the goal of "carbon peaking" in the country

At the UN General Assembly, my country clearly stated that carbon dioxide emissions should peak before 2030, and strive to achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. The Central Economic Work Conference will "do a good job of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" as a key task to be carried out in 2021. The 14th Five-Year Plan proposes to reduce the intensity of carbon emissions, support places where conditions permit first to reach the peak of carbon emissions, and formulate an action plan for peaking carbon emissions by 2030.
"Striving to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 is a solemn promise made by the General Secretary to the world. As a major economic province, we must unswervingly promote the adjustment of industrial structure and energy structure, realize the synergistic effect of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and strive to achieve a national Be the first to reach the peak before reaching the peak.” At the Ninth Plenary Session of the 13th Provincial Party Committee held at the end of last year, Lou Qinjian, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, pointed out that Jiangsu should be the first in the country to achieve the goal of “carbon peaking”.
Why is this work important? What does Jiangsu do? What impact will it have on economic and social development?
One question: How to turn around and lead the way from "near zero" to "net zero"
Achieving the peak of carbon emissions is one of the key indicators to measure the development stage and modernization level of a country or region. Generally speaking, the growth of GDP will generate energy consumption and emit greenhouse gases. If the greenhouse gas generated per unit of GDP remains unchanged, then the higher the GDP, the greater the total carbon emissions will be. In recent years, my country has been improving energy efficiency and expanding the use of green energy, and carbon emissions per unit of GDP have been declining. If the decline in unit GDP emissions is greater than the GDP growth rate, the total amount of carbon emissions will no longer increase. After reaching the peak, to reduce emissions from a high level, it is necessary to offset greenhouse gas emissions and absorption through afforestation and carbon dioxide capture, which is "carbon neutrality".

"Carbon peaking and carbon neutrality are all energy revolutions for the world." Xu Chuanlong, deputy dean of the School of Energy and Environment of Southeast University, told reporters that my country is a late industrialized country, and it is necessary to directly reduce carbon emissions from "near zero". To "net zero", from the original participant to the follower, and now to the leader, this is in line with my country's goal of becoming a powerful modern socialist country by 2050. It is to keep up with the trend of the times and build the destiny of mankind. The Community's China Program, China Initiative. It is necessary to realize the transition from high carbon to low carbon, or even to zero carbon in one step, through the technical goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.
 "For China, it is to reach the peak first and then neutralize it. The peak is not to shut down the enterprise, but to transform and upgrade the production method in the process of reaching the peak. This is a systematic project. Hit a combination of punches." Xu Chuanlong believes that for China, especially for Jiangsu, it is necessary to skip "near zero" and go directly to "net zero" from reaching the peak, and the sooner the better, and now focus on high carbon New projects will be eliminated in the future.
Just a month ago, the world's first research institute named after "carbon neutrality", the Yangtze River Delta Carbon Neutrality Strategic Development Research Institute, was established in Nanjing. The research institute is jointly established by the Nanjing Municipal Government and Southeast University and other relevant parties. It will focus on policies, technologies and products in the field of carbon neutrality to carry out research, promote the transformation and application of carbon neutral technology achievements, and provide local governments with carbon peaks, technologies and products. Carbon neutral policy advice, providing green transition solutions for enterprises.
At the inauguration ceremony, Zhang Jinghua, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee, said that entering a new stage of development, Nanjing will firmly adhere to the "net zero" goal and make explorations and contributions to the province's national low-carbon development. Strengthen the supply of green and low-carbon technologies, accelerate the creation of sources of green technologies, and cultivate and expand innovative entities in the low-carbon field; strengthen the kinetic energy of green and low-carbon industries, vigorously develop green and environmental protection industries, and promote the green transformation of key industries; build a green and low-carbon energy system to promote Deep integration of technology and energy to promote the adaptation of the urban energy system to high-quality development; improve the efficiency of green and low-carbon governance, include low-carbon development in Nanjing’s “14th Five-Year Plan”, and establish a “dual control” system for total carbon emissions and intensity , enriching the practice of green and low-carbon development in Nanjing.
Second question: How difficult is it to reach the peak of the energy structure "high carbon"
"my country's energy structure is dominated by high-carbon fossil energy, accounting for about 85%, of which coal accounts for 57%, and the carbon peaking action faces huge challenges." Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment Huang Runqiu said recently. , the Ministry of Ecology and Environment is stepping up the preparation of the action plan for peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 in accordance with the requirements of the central government.
According to the "2019 Jiangsu Province Low-Carbon Development Report" compiled by the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, the province's carbon emission intensity in 2019 decreased by 6.0% compared with 2018, and the province's "13th Five-Year" carbon intensity target set by the state was completed ahead of schedule. But what cannot be ignored is that the industrial structure of our province is heavy, the energy structure is biased toward coal, the proportion of fossil energy is higher than that of the whole country, and the pressure of carbon reduction is huge.
To achieve carbon neutrality, the consumption ratio of fossil energy and non-fossil energy must reach about 1:9, which is also known as the "Nineteen Law". At present, the ratio in Jiangsu is 9:1. According to estimates by experts, to be the first to achieve the goal of peaking carbon by 2030, the province's coal (including coal and coke) consumption must be controlled within 195 million tons of standard coal, the same as in 2019.

"Although in terms of carbon intensity, Jiangsu is relatively low among sibling provinces and cities across the country, and the efficiency of carbon emissions is generally good, it is still relatively high in terms of total volume." Institute of Energy Resources, Provincial Strategy and Development Research Center Director Lai Li said that since the "13th Five-Year Plan", especially after 2016, Jiangsu has vigorously developed renewable energy and actively reduced coal. In recent years, the industrial structure and energy structure have been continuously optimized. However, the economy still maintains a medium-high growth rate, which shows that Jiangsu's economic development model has initially shown signs of decoupling from carbon emissions. However, during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, a number of major projects in Jiangsu will be started one after another, such as Lianyungang Shenghong Refinery, Nantong Zhongtian Iron and Steel, etc., as well as chip manufacturing, new energy batteries, data centers and other new manufacturing industries, modern service industries and With the rapid growth of electricity consumption in residents' lives, Jiangsu's carbon emissions will continue to grow on the existing basis.
To achieve the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, according to national estimates, during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, wind power and photovoltaics will be the main energy sources, and the annual installed capacity should reach 100 million to 120 million kilowatts. In this case, what should Jiangsu do?
 "From a national perspective, at the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan, the proportion of non-fossil energy in energy consumption reached 15%, while that of Jiangsu was around 11%, with an average annual growth rate of 0.53 percentage points during the '13th Five-Year Plan' period. In the 14th Five-Year Plan, the state may raise the target to 20%, which means to increase the development of non-fossil energy to support the energy demand and development of the social economy. However, due to its own resource structure, the proportion of non-fossil energy in Jiangsu itself is lower than that of the whole country. Therefore, to increase to 20% in 2025, 9 percentage points in five years, the pace of progress is faster than that of the country.” Tang Xuewen, director of the New Energy and Renewable Energy Division of the Energy Bureau of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, said that it is necessary to increase non-fossil energy sources. In addition to the electricity generated from outside the district and the power generation of Lianyungang nuclear power plants, the proportion of electricity only relies on wind power and photovoltaics. It is a very arduous task to "double and turn" on the original basis. "On the one hand, Jiangsu has a large base of photovoltaic and wind power, and it is difficult to achieve substantial growth; on the other hand, Jiangsu has limited land resources, and both photovoltaic and wind power occupy a certain amount of land. Therefore, one is to use more roofs, and the other is to develop towards the sea. "
The iron and steel industry is an important industry of carbon emissions. According to the "14th Five-Year Plan" to promote the high-quality development of the iron and steel industry, accelerating the promotion of low-carbon and green development has become the main direction of my country's progress towards a steel power.
Walking into the production workshop of Nanjing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., the blue sky and white clouds, the trees and trees, and the neat roads connect the iron and steel intelligent manufacturing plant, which is completely opposite to the traditional impression of the smoke-filled environment of the steel factory.
"All the gas in the production process is recycled to achieve near-zero emissions, and all the gas is recycled for power generation, with an annual power generation of more than 2.5 billion kWh." Wang Changhua, deputy director of the company's safety, energy and environment department, introduced that the proportion of Nangang's power generation using secondary energy It has exceeded 56% of the electricity used in production. In addition, photovoltaic power generation is used on the roof of the factory building, with an annual power generation of over 30 million kWh. Rechargeable locomotives are used for train transportation instead of diesel locomotives, reducing carbon emissions by 26,000 tons per year.
Three questions: carbon emission trading, how does Jiangsu integrate with the whole country
On February 1, the "Measures for the Administration of Carbon Emissions Trading (Trial)" will be officially implemented, marking the official operation of the national carbon emissions trading system, and my country's carbon emissions trading will move from the pilot market to the national market.
The so-called carbon emission trading, referred to as carbon trading, is a market-oriented means to control greenhouse gas emissions. Compared with administrative means, it has the advantages of lower emission reduction costs for the whole society and flexible options for enterprises to reduce emissions. The data shows that since 2011, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and other places have carried out the pilot work of carbon emission trading. As of November 2020, the pilot carbon market has covered nearly 3,000 key emission units in more than 20 industries including electricity, steel, and cement. , the cumulative quota transaction volume is about 430 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, and the cumulative transaction volume is nearly 10 billion yuan.
"The curtain of carbon trading will finally be fully opened, and we have already felt the heat in advance." As a leading one-stop comprehensive service provider for low-carbon energy conservation and environmental protection in China, Meng Zaoming, general manager of Beijing HeCarbon Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. There is a strong contrast in the temperature of the city. "There are too many people coming to consult from various places, and they have not appeared in the industry for so many years. Carbon trading is really too hot!"
Although not among the pilots, Jiangsu actually prepared for the full launch of carbon trading very early. "Carbon verification is the basis of carbon trading. It is equivalent to first checking the bottom line to see how much trading volume there is." According to Meng Zaoming, Jiangsu's carbon verification work has been carried out in an orderly manner, and a large amount of data has been accumulated. In recent years, Beijing and Beijing have As a service provider, Carbon has participated in carbon verification work with comprehensive energy consumption ranging from 5,000 tons to 10,000 tons of standard coal in Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi and other places.
On the basis of the completion of carbon verification, thermal power is the first industry to be included in the national carbon market after the opening of the national carbon market. The relevant enterprises will receive a certain carbon emission quota. Once the actual carbon emission exceeds the standard, they need to go to the carbon market to purchase the difference, which does not exceed the standard. Excess credit can be sold. At the same time, companies must continue to reduce emissions to cope with the tightening of free carbon emission quotas.
Public information shows that at present, there are 2,225 key emission units included in the national carbon trading quota management in 2019-2020, of which there are 216 in Jiangsu, accounting for nearly 10%, which has a certain pressure. "For us, we must try to reduce the cost of carbon emissions and the risk of compliance, so as to minimize the risk of compliance, minimize the cost, and maximize the value of carbon assets." A relevant person in charge of a participating company in Jiangyin said that carbon trading will indeed fail. Forcing enterprises to pay attention to carbon emission reduction and realize technological improvement, in the future, carbon will have a huge impact on enterprises as a valuable resource. "In the short term, we will face greater pressure, especially the proportion of free distribution will gradually decrease. , the overall cost of the power plant may increase to a greater extent, but we are confident that through technological progress and market mechanisms, we can play a role in achieving the carbon peaking goal and carbon neutral vision." The person in charge said.
Four questions: New energy transformation, where is Jiangsu's "confidence"
 "At this time, the proposal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, as well as the full launch of carbon trading, is based on China's confidence in the low-carbon field. Many of our technical reserves in clean energy-related fields such as wind power, hydropower, and solar energy have already taken the lead in the world. "Meng Zaoming said.
In fact, the great progress of new energy technology is not a one-time achievement. At the Longyuan Rudong Offshore Wind Farm located on the coast of the Yellow Sea, it is known as the "Grand View Garden" for offshore wind turbines in the industry. The project includes 13 different models from 10 domestic and foreign manufacturers. At a glance, there are common three-blade units, and there are two-blade units at the forefront of the test. They are like "attack giants" fighting against the never-ending sea breeze.
"As early as 2006, Longyuan Rudong was connected to the grid as the first wind farm in Jiangsu Power Grid, which opened the prelude to the development of new energy in Jiangsu. After 15 years of rapid development, new energy has developed from sporadic supplementary power sources to the point Various alternative energy sources.” According to Lu Xiao, director of the State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd. regulation center, during the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, the installed capacity of new energy in Jiangsu increased by four times, with an average annual growth rate of 32.9%. By the end of 2020, the province's total installed capacity of new energy has reached 32.31 million kilowatts, including 15.47 million kilowatts of wind power and 16.84 million kilowatts of photovoltaic installed capacity.

Behind the continuous breakthrough figures, under the guidance of the low-carbon concept, market participants perform their respective duties. In recent years, Shenzhen Energy Group has invested and constructed 6 wind power projects in Yangzhou, and 4 will be put into operation in 2020 alone. In order to enable new energy companies such as Shenzhen Energy Group to "land" in Jiangsu more smoothly, State Grid Yangzhou Power Supply Company not only actively carried out analysis and research on new energy consumption capacity in Yangzhou, but also proposed new energy development capacity, development timing and layout in each region. It is suggested that the access planning scheme should be customized for each power supply project in time, and it should be incorporated into the grid planning to improve the grid's acceptance level of new energy.
"All along, we have actively communicated and negotiated with power generation companies, simplified processes, compressed links, standardized standards, handled applications for new energy projects to access the system in a timely manner, and prioritized the construction of new energy grid connection projects in terms of project arrangement, capital investment, and material supply. Lu Xiao said that the company deeply analyzed the changing characteristics of wind and solar resources, improved the short-term forecast level of new energy power generation power and load, gave priority to wind power, photovoltaics and other forecasted power into the power generation plan, and reduced the share of coal-fired power plans.
Synchronized with the improvement of new energy technology, our province is also carrying out big data mining work in related fields, thus laying a digital foundation for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. It is understood that our province has established a provincial and local integrated new energy power generation data center, which has realized the coupling analysis of the operating status of 6,135 wind turbines and 19,924 sets of inverters in the province and the data of wind and solar resources. At the same time, our province has also built a new energy big data analysis platform, based on wind and solar resource data, according to different time and space dimensions such as year, city, power generation group, and offshore, coastal, inland power generation types, etc., to carry out new energy operation of Jiangsu power grid. Features big data analysis work.
Source: Jiangsu Modern Low-Carbon Technology Research Institute
